The Complete eBay Marketing System

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Make money dressing your children

Dressing your children in beautiful name brand clothing doesn't have to cost a fortune.  Matter of fact, you can actually MAKE money off of your kids name brand clothing.

The above image is of a dress that I bought for my daughter at a thrift store.  The bow was a hand me down.  This particular dress is a dress from the popular children's boutique store, Strasburg and would have cost a fortune new.  I purchased it for $3.99 at a local thrift store and she wore it a couple of times to church.

Fast forward to next year.  The dress was too small, so I put it in my eBay store for sale.  I sold this dress and hair bow for $15.00 plus shipping.  Not a huge profit, but after eBay and PayPal fees, I made about $8.00 on this one dress.  You can view the completed listing here:

Now, just imagine if you have a closet full of clothing.  I make enough money selling my children's used clothing on eBay to pay a bill or two.

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